Saturday, October 3, 2009

PSSWC FAQ Page: Question #1

Question #1

Is the PSSWC a race?

Life is a race. A giant rat race. We live in America, a country founded by adventurers trying to find new resources and opportunities in order to get ahead in life. Economically, we also are a capitalist society, which requires that we all must compete in order to earn a living. That said, we are necessarily always engaged in some form of pursuit with our fellow citizens. Some are naturally gifted and don't compete because they are already at the top in most everything they do as they journey through life. Some aren't naturally gifted, but try to better themselves. Some of these folks succeed at doing so, and subsequently advance and dominate. However, some will fall short, never acquiring the proper skill sets to advance past the others. Yet others lack natural gifts, never engage in any efforts at self-betterment, and stumble through their existence asking, "Why?"

The PSSWC is not set up as a race. It is not advertised as a race. There is no timing. There is no start or finish line. There are no cash purses. There is no tabulation of points based on your place in the group that will be reported to some monolithic (and neolithic?), corporate governing body. The maximization of rider speed at the expense of all other factors is not encouraged.

So, does the absence of these things that traditionally constitute the trappings of a race mean that it is not a race? This is a question that is only answerable by each individual rider. For, only an individual can interpret and try to actualize his or her own personal manifest destiny.

As the caged man once said, "Die gedanken sind frei!"

As the tag line says, "Free Entry/Free Beer/Free Will".


  1. I hope you cleared this with River Rant Danno, Chief!! There will be no fun without his consent!

  2. Just like his kindred spirit, George Custer, Danno died at the top of a hill, leading an ill-advised charge at the wrong time.

  3. Is it true that logo racers types will be pelted with rocks at this event??

    Kevin LaRoe
